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barbara mo造句

"barbara mo"是什么意思  
  • Not so, says career counselor Barbara Moses, author of " The Good News About Careers : How You'll Be Working in the Next Decade ."
  • Capitalizing on the good parts of the business world _ flexible, fulfilling, independent careers _ while sidestepping the bad parts _ layoffs, cutbacks, longer days, fewer vacations _ is part of what business guru and speaker Barbara Moses preaches in her latest book.
  • "He found a way to take his own authentic self and use it to reposition himself as a politician, " said Barbara Moses, head of BBM Human Resource Consultants of Toronto and the author of " Career Intelligence " ( Berrett-Koehler, 1998 ).
  • It's difficult to see barbara mo in a sentence. 用barbara mo造句挺难的
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